March of "Mormonism" - The Power of God and the Wisdom of Man - Good and Evil Influences - The Law of Increase.
delivered in the Tabernacle, June 13, 1852 pg 88-94
"As there is more time which remains to be improved this morning,..." pg 88
"A weight of testimony always accompanies the promulgation of the Gospel of Salvation." pg 88
-persecution and wickedness do not change the truth of the Gospel
"Men may persecute the Prophet and those who believe and uphold him... but this does not affect the truths of "Mormonism" one iota, for they will stand when the elements melt with fervent heat, the heavens are wrapt up like a scroll, and the solid earth is dissolved. "Mormonism" stands upon the eternal basis of omnipotence. Jehovah is the "Mormonism" of this people, their Priesthood and their power; and all who adhere to it, will, in the appointed day, come up into the presence of the King Eternal, and receive a crown of life." pg 88-89
"These men know that "Mormonism" is true, they have moved steadily forward, and have not sought to become noted characters, as many have; but unseen as it were, they have maintained their footing steadily in the right path." 89
"...they are found continually attending to their own business. They do not appear to be great warriors, or as if they were likely to win the battle. But what is their true character? They have faith today, they are filled with faith, their words are few, but they are full of integrity. You will find them to-morrow as they were yesterday, or are today." pg 89
-the true believers are probably not going to be flashy, or big hero's, but they will be working faithfully towards their salvation
"They are the ones who will win the race, conquer in the battle, and obtain the peace and righteousness of eternity." pg 89
"If they live to it, their whole lives will aim directly to the one grand object, namely, to be encircled, wrapt up, and surrounded with the Knowledge of God; that will make them one, (according to the text),... to keep the whole law of the Father and the Son, and all the laws of the Celestial Kingdom which have been, or will be, revealed, and to meet the Savior at his coming." pg 89
"It yields solid satisfaction to hear men testify of the truth of the Gospel." pg 89
-without the Holy Ghost a testimony is just a bunch of sounds
"What is it that convinces man? It is the influence of the Almighty, enlightening his mind, giving instruction to the understanding.... Anything besides that influence, will fail to convince any person of the trugh of the Gospel of Salvation." pg 90
-it is much easier to understand a thing through the Holy Ghost
"...the Holy Ghost prceeding from that individual illuminated my understanding, and Light, glory, and immortality were before me...I know for myself that the testimony of the man was true." pg 90
-there is great beauty in simplicity
"The glory of man is fleeting as the twilight, and liek the "brashless fabric" of a dream, it vanishes away." pg 91
"If we train ourselves to think what we are about to do before we do it, and have understanding to know, and power to perform the good, we can therby avoit the evil that is present with us." pg 92
"I frequently exhort the brethren not to be in a hurry, for we shall not stop here, we are only hunting for the grave, and there is no fear but we shall find it." pg 92
"The Lord will help those who help themselves do right."pg 92
-if we were all really comitted to doing good in a very short time we would see a very notable difference
"It is enough for me to know that mankind are made to improve themselves." pg 93
"All creation, visible and invisible, it is the workmanship of our God, the Supreme Architecht and Ruler of the whold, who organized the world, and created every living thing upon it, to act i it's sphere and order." pg 93
"Furthermore, if men can understand and recieve it, mankinde are organized to recieve intelligence until they become perfect in the sphere they are appointed to fll, which is far ahead of us at present. WHen we use the term perfection, it applies to man in his present condition, as well as to heavenly beings. Ware now, or may be, as perfect in our sphere as God and Angels are in theirs, but the greatest intelligence in existence can continually ascend to greater heights of perfection." pg 93
"It is the Diety within us that causes increase. Does this idea startle you?" pg 93
"Nothing short of the Holy Ghost will do us any lasting good." pg 93
-"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"
-for full justice to this discourse, just read it.
Friday, February 19, 2010
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