Friday, September 10, 2010

True and False Riches. delivered at the Special Conference in the tabernacle, August 14, 1853 pg 264- 276

"He will let his servants gaze upon eternal things for a moment, but straightway the vision is closed and they are left as they were, that they may learn to act by faith.: pg 264
" stretch out the arm of charity to every person, to fill up their days with industry, prudence, and faithfulness, proclaiming means to sustain themselves, and to administer to the wants of those who are unable to administer to themselves." pg 265
-the riches of the world are not "True Riches"
-possessions are not wealth
"The riches of this world are nothing more than a stepping stone, or a necessary means whereby people may obtain the true riches - by which they can sustain themselves until they can procure the true riches of the kingdom of God." pg 266
-go for the things that will last, the things of the world won't last; think about the stock market crashes
"They are to be used, but not abused. They are to be handled with discretion, and looked upon in their true light, with out any lustful desires... that we may be prepared to secure to ourselves eternal riches." pg 266
-riches etc. may seem more important than things like Christ and the gospel
-the Bible talks about what true riches are and who had them
-God holds the true riches
"But when we possess the true riches, we shall be able to call forth the bread from the native element, like as Jesus Christ did. [the loaves and the fishes]" pg 270
"[Jesus] had the keys and power of true riches, if any man possess which, he is rich in time and in eternity." pg 270
"The true coin is what we are after, the true riches. We are seeking to made rich in the power of God, so as to control the elements and say - "Let there be light," and there is light;..." pg 271
-money is very useful but when you get right down to it, money can't stop death or pain and you can't keep your money when you're dead.
"What shall we do to secure the true riches? "Seek first the Kingdom of God, and it's righteousness." Lay up treasures in heaven, ..." pg 271
"The only true riches in existence are for you and I to secure for ourselves a holy resurrection;..." pg 272
"When we talk about mystery, we talk about eternal obscurity; for that which is known, ceases to be a mystery; and all that is known, we may know as we progress in the scale of intelligence." pg 274

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