Friday, January 8, 2010

Self-Government - Mysteries - Recreation and Amusements, Not In Themselves Sinful - Tithing - Adam, Our Father and Our God. delivered in the tabernacle April 9, 1852 pg 46-53
"I wish also to urge the necessity of your proceeding on your missions immediately, and full of the spirit, and of going to the place of your destination full of the Holy Ghost..." pg 46
" up to the principles you preach, that you may teach also by your example, as well as by precept." pg 46
"Continue to preach, study and learn, by faith and prayer, until your minds and mouths are opened, and you understand most perfectly the love of Christ." pg 46
-it's much easier to teach our principles to others than it is for us to actually live them ourselves
"The greatest mystery a man ever learned, is to know how to control the human mind, and bring every faculty and power of the same in subjection to Jesus Christ; this is the greatest mystery we have to learn while in these tabernacles of clay." pg 46-47
"Here is the place for you to teach the great mysteries to your brethren, because here are those who can correct you." pg 47
"When a man is capable of correcting you, and of giving you light, and true doctrine, do not get up and altercation, but submit to be taught like little children and strive with all your might to understand." pg 47
"Preach the simple, unadorned truth; work out your salvation with diligence, and do that which will guarantee you a warranted deed, an undeniable title to eternal lives." pg 47
"If you feel prayer in you, pray; and if you feel the spirit of preaching in you, preach;..." pg 47
"This is the place for you to become polished shafts in the quiver of the Almighty." pg 47
"I love the society of all good men. And to preach salvation to them." pg 47
"Whatever a man does, let him do it in the name of the Lord - let him work in the name of the Lord, let all his acts through life be in the name of the Lord; and if he wants light and knowledge, let him ask in that name." pg 48
-there is within people and animals even, a love of music and a soothing we receive from that. The lord is responsible for these feelings, they are not unrighteous (please note that music then was also very different from some of the genres of music today)
"I possess nothing but what my heavenly Father has been pleased to give me, or, in other words, He has loaned it to me while I remain here in this mortal flesh." pg 49
"The Lord controls the whole; and in the end you will find He has regulated all things right, for all will be consummated to His glory." pg 49
-we're here to be tested, those who do well and chose the good will be crowned but those who chose the evil will be damned.
"I was trying to think of the place where God is not, but it is impossible, unless you can find empty space; and there I believe He is not." pg 50
-God has a body that is like our bodies, Jesus, God's son has a body, the Holy Ghost is a spirit with no body but is a minister of God's will
"We were made first spiritual, and afterwords temporal." pg 50
-Adam= MICHAEL the Archangel, the ANCIENT OF DAYS! (I don't know why that's all in caps and italics, I might have summarized what was written and copied it the way it was in the book.)
"The thistle, the thorn, the brier, and the obnoxious weed did not appear until after the earth was cursed. When Adam and Eve had eaten of the forbidden fruit, their bodies became mortal from its affects, and therefore their offspring were mortal." pg 50
-it's very important for the members of the church to pay their tithing, the church cannot care for members in need, etc. if tithing is not being paid. don't just think that the church will get along fine without you

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