Friday, December 3, 2010

Gathering The Poor - The Perpetual Emigration Fund - Ingratitude. delivered in the tabernacle at General Conference, October 6, 1853 pg 322-237

-the Perpetual Emigration Fund was a process of loaning (?) to enable the poorer Saints to emigrate to Utah
-you have been helped and in turn you ought to help others
-remember what it was like when you were in trouble or a bad situation and now help others out of their trouble and bad situations
"If you can remember your own feelings then [when first learning about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints], you can know how others feel, you can realize how thousands... feel at this present moment. There is no hardship they would refuse to undergo,... if they could assemble with us here today." pg 323
"If you started on your journey with the influence of the Spirit warming your hearts, who prevented you from retaining it every day of your life? You may say it was the devil that robbed you of it. But what business had you with the devil?" pg 323
-if you get tempted you don't need to submit to it
"My advice to you is, go and be baptized for the remission of sins, and start afresh, that the temptation may not overcome you again; pause and reflect, that you be not overcome by the evil one unawares." pg 324
"When the Lord Almighty opens the vision of a person's mind, He shows him the things of the Spirit - things that will be." pg 324
-don't be ungrateful, if someone has helped you out of bad circumstances, be grateful and gracious to them.
-always be grateful

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Privileges and Blessings of the Gospel. Delivered at the Tabernacle Feb. 20, 1853 pg 309-316

"Truly happy is that man, or woman, or people, who enjoys the privileges of the Gospel of the Son of God, and who know how to appreciate his blessings." pg 309
"In this dispensation all things will be gathered together in one, and, strange and marvelous as it may appear to the world, these are the people who are instruments in the hand of God to bring it to pass." pg 309
"Here is the plan of salvation, here are the words of life, here is the light of eternity, here is the intelligence that will instruct kings, and impart judgment to rulers." pg 309
-there are very real and wonderful blessings that come through the gospel, can we realize this and step up to meet it?
-really you just need to read this discourse
"...they will all, with one voice as it were, testify to the truth of this work in which we are engaged." pg 310
"Nothing less than the power of the Almighty, enlightening the understandings of men, can demonstrate this glorious truth to the human mind." pg 310
"If I do not enjoy all I anticipated, if my happiness is not as complete as I anticipated,... the cause is in myself, in my own heart, in my own disposition..." pg 311
"It is a mistaken idea to suppose that others can prevent me from enjoying the light of God in my soul; all hell cannot hinder me from enjoying Zion in my own heart, if my individual will yields obedience to the requirements and mandates of my heavenly master. He has set me a pattern to copy, which if I initiate faithfully, will yield to me all and more of heaven in my own heart than I can anticipate." pg 311
-someone else doing wrong isn't a good reason for you also to do wrong
-you are the person to be blamed for your actions whether they be good or bad.
-no one will get you heaven or hell but yourself
"I will apply my heart to wisdom, and ask the Lord to impart it to me; and if I know but little, I will improve on it," pg 313
-the Saints had many trials and persecutions etc. and we may get discouraged, or be glad, thinking that we could not have endured such, however there were also great blessings that came along with those trials
"Anything I can do or suffer in the cause of the Gospel, is only like the hopping of a pin into the sea; the blessings, gifts, powers, honour, joy, truth, salvation, glory, immortality, and eternal lives as far outswelll anything I can do in return for such precious gifts,..." pg 313
"It is easy for us to think how things should be, bu the difficulty is, things are not always as we would like to have them." pg 314
"People suffer more in the anticipation of death, then in death itself. There is more suffering in what I call borrowed trouble than in the trouble itself." pg 315
"Those who are apt to go to one extreme, are almost sure to go to the other, which always causes disappointment, either agreeably, or disagreeably." pg 315
"...establish CONFIDENCE IN EACH OTHER." pg 315
-let people have their little private things and leave them alone
-stay out of debt

Friday, September 10, 2010

True and False Riches. delivered at the Special Conference in the tabernacle, August 14, 1853 pg 264- 276

"He will let his servants gaze upon eternal things for a moment, but straightway the vision is closed and they are left as they were, that they may learn to act by faith.: pg 264
" stretch out the arm of charity to every person, to fill up their days with industry, prudence, and faithfulness, proclaiming means to sustain themselves, and to administer to the wants of those who are unable to administer to themselves." pg 265
-the riches of the world are not "True Riches"
-possessions are not wealth
"The riches of this world are nothing more than a stepping stone, or a necessary means whereby people may obtain the true riches - by which they can sustain themselves until they can procure the true riches of the kingdom of God." pg 266
-go for the things that will last, the things of the world won't last; think about the stock market crashes
"They are to be used, but not abused. They are to be handled with discretion, and looked upon in their true light, with out any lustful desires... that we may be prepared to secure to ourselves eternal riches." pg 266
-riches etc. may seem more important than things like Christ and the gospel
-the Bible talks about what true riches are and who had them
-God holds the true riches
"But when we possess the true riches, we shall be able to call forth the bread from the native element, like as Jesus Christ did. [the loaves and the fishes]" pg 270
"[Jesus] had the keys and power of true riches, if any man possess which, he is rich in time and in eternity." pg 270
"The true coin is what we are after, the true riches. We are seeking to made rich in the power of God, so as to control the elements and say - "Let there be light," and there is light;..." pg 271
-money is very useful but when you get right down to it, money can't stop death or pain and you can't keep your money when you're dead.
"What shall we do to secure the true riches? "Seek first the Kingdom of God, and it's righteousness." Lay up treasures in heaven, ..." pg 271
"The only true riches in existence are for you and I to secure for ourselves a holy resurrection;..." pg 272
"When we talk about mystery, we talk about eternal obscurity; for that which is known, ceases to be a mystery; and all that is known, we may know as we progress in the scale of intelligence." pg 274

Friday, August 13, 2010

Weakness & Impotence of Men - Condition of the Saints - Dedication to the Lord - The Millennium. delivered at the opening of the new tabernacle, April 6, 1852 pg 198- 203
"We can now calmly reflect upon the experience of our past lives, and those minds that are opened to receive light and truth, that can behold the manifestations of the Lord, can at once see that He has done that which we could not have accomplished by our own power, and that directly behind... a frowning Providence oftentimes are concealed the greatest blessings that mankind can desire. It teaches us to trust in the Lord, to have confidence in our God. ..." pg 198
"Men may presume to dictate to the Lord; they come to naught, but His work moves steadily foreword." pg 198
"...I feel to dedicate myself and all I possess to the Lord, and constantly feel, with all I have, on the alter of sacrifice to the cause of my God." pg 199
"...I say to such, Go! but as for me, thought all the world should sink into oblivion, I will go up to worship the Lord." pg 199
"I dedicate myself, my family, and my substance anew unto the Lord, they are not mine, I am not my own creation, nor the producer of anything I possess; I did not originate one atom of it. Let the world and its cares go! The Lord Almighty, who made it, is able to take care of it, and He may do with it what He pleases;..." pg 199
-put the Lord first
"...let us dedicate ourselves, our families, our substance, our time, our talents, and everything we have upon the the face of this world, with all that will hereafter be entrusted to us, to the Lord our God; let the whole be devoted to the building up of His kingdom upon the earth, ..." pg 200
-don't get so comfortable that you forget the Lord
-put yourself in the Lord's hands and let him mold and guide you
-remember your blessings and serve the Lord accordingly, don't just whine and complain
"If you have gold and silver, let it not come between you and your duty." pg 202
"...I will make my hands labor in the cause of God until my heard bows in submission to it." pg 202
"...the more kind we are to our animals, the more will peace increase." pg 203

Friday, May 14, 2010

Where The Wicked Go -- Continual Opposition To And Prejudice Against The Truth -- The Judges And The Delegate of Utah -- The Spirit of God ANd The Spirit of the World -- Potency Of The Gospel.
Delivered at the tabernacle June 19, 1853 pg 185-191
"...all, when they die, go somewhere; and if they want to know particularly where they are going when they die, let them read the Bible and learn." pg 185
"...but I hope one thing concerning this people and kingdom of God which are established upon the earth, that they will turn neither to the right nor to the left, but maintain continually a steady and unslackened pace to build up the cause of truth." pg 186
"If anything oppose the progress of this great work, if any person, whether great or small, should stand in the way of it, do you suppose it will stop?..N
O..." page 186
"Do the righteous of this people cause persecution to come upon themselves? No.... But it is the disposition of the wicked to oppose the principles of truth and righteousness, which cause it." pg 186
"...but this I know, the Lord Almighty will not suffer the Saints, neither the world, to slumber upon their oars." pg 189
"I care not what may come, I will do the work the Lord has appointed unto me. You do the same and fear not, for the Lord Manages the helm of the Ship of Zion; and on any other ship I do not wish to be." pg 189
" is the Spirit of the Lord that is placed in man, and the reflection of light from it upon his spirit wakes up the sensibilities in him, and conviction." pg 190

Friday, April 23, 2010

Indian Hostilities and Trechery -- Excitment -- Covetousness -- Consequenses of Obedience and Disobedience -- Policy Towards the Indians -- Walker and His Band -- Vigilance.
delivered in the tabernacle, July 31, 1853 pg 162-172
"...all the powers that have been upon the earth, have been dictated, governed, controlled, and the final issue of their existence has been brought to pass, according to the wisdom of the Almighty. Then my testimony is, IT IS ALL RIGHT." pg 163
-be prepared and take precautions and be consistent
-in trials also remember your blessings
-if you want to live in a great place you need to be willing to pay the price, accept the rules or guidelines, etc.
-if you want to go off on your own you need to be ready for the consequences that may come
-you can't build up the kingdom of God while you're still hungry for the worldly things
"Now I say to you who are fearing and trembling, do not be afraid at all, for it is certian if we should be killed off by the Indians, we could not die any younger; this is about as good a time as can be for us to die, if we all go together, why you know, we shall have a good company along with us; it will not be lonesome passing through the valley, which is said to have a veil drawn over it." pg 164-165
"...I have no fault to find with the Later-day Saints, or with the Elders of Israel upon that subject, for they love to fight a little to well." pg 165
"...I should have more fear in consequence of the ignorant and foolish audacity of the Elders, than their being afraid." pg 165
"If the people of Utah Territory would do as they are told, they would always e safe." pg 165
"I make this apology because it is considered a sin to say devil, and it grates on refined ears." pg 166
-faith without works is dead
"If you will do as you are told, you will be safe continually." pg 167
-prophets don't just give council for the fun of it
"I am aware that the people want to ask me a thousand and one questions.... I have tried to answer them all, in my own mind, by saying, it will be just as the Lord will." pg 168
"The mob only had power to drive the Saints to do their duty, and to remember the Lord their God, and that is all the Indians can do." pg 169
"This people are worldly minded, they want to get rich in earthly substance, and are apt to forget their God..." pg 169
-there will be chastening and trials to help you learn and grow, to be able to get it right
" know we could not do without him [the devil]. If there had been no devil to tempt Eve, she never would have got her eyes opened. We need a devil to stir up the wicked on the earth to purify the Saints." pg 170
"The Lord will suffer no more trouble to come upon us than is necessary to bring this people to their senses." pg 172
"I take care of them that help themselves." pg 172
-watch and pray

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Pioneers -- Capabilities and Settlement of the Great Basin -- Exhortation to Faithfulness. delivered at the tabernacle, 1852, at the anniversary of the 24th of July, 1847 pg 144-146
*note: the Mormon pioneers reached the Salt Lake Valley July 24th 1847
"We [the Mormon pioneers] came for the purpose of finding a place to set our feet, where we could dwell in peace. That place we have found." pg 144
-they came for freedom of though and speech and worship.
"There is a very mysterious principle that abides with this people; ... It is that these Latter-day Saints are of one heart and one mind." pg 145
"...I wish here to offer one word of advice and counsel, by revealing the mystery that abides with this people called Latter-day Saints; it is the Spirit of the living God that leads them; it is the Spirit of the Almighty that binds them together..." pg 145
-the Saints risked their lives to cross the plains and they did it for their religion!
"Our lives have been spared, and we are yet upon this planet; and by and by we will celebrate a perfect deliverance from all the powers of earth; and we will keep our eyes set upon the mark, and go forward to victory." pg 146

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Temple Cornner Stones - The Apostleshiop, &c.
delivered in the tabernacle April 6, 1853, at the General Conference pg 131 - 137

"Were it not that our bodies have to be fed and clothed, I would propose that we tarry here a few months, to give all a chance to speak, to exhort, to pray, to prophesy, to sing, to speak in tongues, or to do whatsoever the Spirit should manifest unto them." pg 131
"The salvation we are seeking is for the present, and sought correctly, it can be obtained, and be continually enjoyed." pg 131
"If we are saved, we are happy, we are filled with light, glory, intelligence, and we pursue a course to enjoy the blessings that the Lord has in store for us." pg 131
"I am happy to say that there has been a great deal of faith manifested by the Saints, and, through that faith, the Lord has granted unto us the desire of our hearts, or else the devil has been sent on an errand another way, and has forgotten himself." pg 132
"I do not like to prophesy much, I never do, but I venture to guess, that this day , and the work we have performed on it, will long be remembered by this people... It is a day in which all the faithful will rejoice in all time to come. [speaking about the corner stones for the temple being laid]" pg 132
"I never have cared but for one thing, and that is, simply to know that I am now right before my Father in Heaven. If I am this moment, this day, doing the things God requires of my hands, and precisely where my Father in Heaven wants me to be, I care no more about to-morrow than though it never would come." pg 132
"This I do know - there should be a Temple built here. I do know it is the duty of this people to commence to build a Temple." pg 132
"I scarcely ever say much about revelations, or visions, but suffice it to say, five years ago last July I was here, and saw in the Spirit the Temple not ten feet from where we have laid the Chief Corner Stone." pg 133
"We sometimes look for light, you know, brethren. ...You will tell me you go to the east for light? So we commence by laying the stone on the south-east corner, because there is the most light." pg 133
"-Does a man's being a Prophet in this Church prove that he shall be the President of it? I answer no! A man may be a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, and it may have nothing to do with his being the President of the Church." pg 133
"The Keys of the Priesthood were committed to Joseph, to build up the Kingdom of God on the earth, and were not to be taken from him in time or in eternity..." pg 133
-visions and angel visits etc. don't make a person a President, Elder, or Priest
"If you ask me what will prove a man or woman to be a Saint, I will answer you the question. "If you love me," says Jesus, "You will keep my sayings." Could he [Joseph] have built up the Kingdom of God, without first being an Apostle? No, he never could. The keys of the eternal Priesthood, which is after the order of the Son of God, are comprehended by being an Apostle." pg 134
"All the Priesthood, all the keys, all the gifts, all the endowments, and everything preparatory to entering into the presence of the Father and of the Son, are in, composed of, ... the circumference of, the Apostleship." pg 134-135
-there's a lot of symbolism involved in the temple

Friday, March 12, 2010

Duties and Privileges - Sacrifice - Confidence - Language - Orginization and Disorganization - Taking Wives. delivered in the Tabernacle, February 27, 1853 pg 112-120
"The privileges of the Saints of God, and that are granted unto the inhabitants of the earth, are founded upon the principles of truth and righteousness; but many people use them to their own condemnation; yet if they knew how to receive and act upon them, there would be no condemnation, but to the contrary, a blessing." pg 112
-you can use and abuse your privileges, but there are consequences
"I also, as well as others could act upon unrighteous principles, if I would, and neglect my duties pertaining to life and salvation." pg 112
"Brethren, you will use these privileges to your own destruction, if you are not careful." pg 113
"It is not for any of us to enjoy the privilege of a dance, or any other recreation, until every duty that is enjoined upon us is performed." pg 113
"When you go to amuse, or recreate yourselves in any manner whatever, if you cannot enjoy the Spirit of the Lord then and there, as you would at a prayer meeting, leave that place; and return not to such amusements or recreation, until you have obtained the mastery over yourself, until you can command the influences around you, that you may have the Spirit of the Lord in any situation in which you may be placed. ..." pg 113
- I think these things would be very hard to do, but I believe the world would be a much better place if we would all do so.
" is not your lawful privilege to yield anything in the shape of amusement, until you have performed every duty, and obtained the power of God..." pg 113
"...and by your faith, obtained through prayer and supplication, the blessings of the Holy Spirit, and it rests upon, and abides continually with you." pg 113
"Hear it, all ye Latter-day Saints! Will you spend the time of your probation for naught, and fool away your existence and being? You were organized, and brought into being, for the purpose of enduring forever, if you fulfill the measure of your creation, pursue the right path, observe the requirements of the Celestial law, and obey the commandments of our God." pg 113
"...everything in heaven, earth, or hell, is for your glory, exaltation, and excellence, if by your lives you honor the Priesthood which has been conferred upon you; and, in the proper time, all will become subservient unto you, but not until then." pg 114
-it has to be done the Lord's way or it won't work out for you, you have to do it the Lord's way to succeed!
"No person can be a Saint, unless he receives the Holy Ghost, for the purity, justice, holiness, and eternal duration of it." pg 114
"Now you Elders who understand the principles of the kingdom of God, what would you not give, do, or sacrifice, to assist in the building up His kingdom upon the earth?" pg 114
"The Saints sacrifice everything; but, strictly speaking, there is no sacrifice about it." pg 114
-things like land, etc. are not really ours to sacrifice, we cannot control them and they are Heavenly Fathers to take or to give
"And should not the Saints of the Most High God be more willing, more anxious to promote the cause of their holy religion, devoting themselves, their influence, property, and if necessary, their existence, than the votaries of fashion, the devotees of wealth and pleasure and to merely sensual, temporary objects of worldly gain or aggrandizement?" pg 114-115
-there are so many things which are far more important than gold!
"If you do not love God, and his cause better than everything else besides, ... you cannot build up the kingdom of God." pg 115
"Confidence, brethren, CONFIDENCE in our God, and in each other..." pg 115
"If we could obtain that faith and confidence in each other, and in our God, that when we ask a favor, we could do so with a full assurance and knowledge that we should receive, do you not perceive that it would lead us directly to as we would be done by, in every transaction and circumstance of life." pg 115
"...It needs the language of angels to express our ideas, to converse with each other in a manner to be perfectly understood." pg 115
"It would be a great consolation to me, inasmuch as faith comes by hearing the word of God, if I had language to express my feelings." pg 115
"The principles of truth are eternal." pg 116
"...Satan is the way, the truth, and the death; or the way and the falsehood. Can you perceive the difference." pg 116
"The Lord Jesus Christ works upon a plan of eternal increase, of wisdom, intelligence, honor, excellence, power, glory, might, and dominion, and attributes that fill eternity. What principle does the devil work on?" pg 116
"Matter is eternal." pg 116
"We grow our wheat,... There they are organized, they increase and grow; but after a while, they decay, dissolve, become disorganized, and return to their mother earth.... the elements of the particles of which they were composed, still do, always have and always will exist, and through this principle of change, we have an eternal increase." pg 116
-Satan cannot increase, he can only decrease
-obedience brings increase
"Language to convey all the truth does not exist." pg 117
"Truth wisdom, power, glory, light, and intelligence exist upon their own qualities; they do not, neither can they, exist on any other principle." pg 117
"Truth cleaves unto truth, because it is truth; and is to be adored, because it is an attribute of God, for its excellence, for itself."
-honor your commitments, callings and commandments before you go seeking for blessings
"Pray the Lord to inspire your hearts. Ask for wisdom and knowledge. It is our duty to seek after it..." pg 120

Friday, February 26, 2010

President B. Young's Journy South - Indian Difficulties - Walker - Watching and Prayer - Thieves and Their Deserts - Eastern Intelligence - Finacial State of the Church - Gaining Knowledge, Etc. delivered in the tabernacle May 8, 1853. pg 103-111
"I do not wish to rush into danger imprudently" pg 105
"I have always acknowledged myself a coward, and I hope I always may be, to make me cautious enough to preserve myself and my brethren from falling by a band of Indians." pg 106
-the relations and dealings between the Mormons and the Native Americans
-Native Americans the descendants of the Lamenites of the Book of Mormon
"Again, you may pray as fervently for them as for yourselves, which I have always done; it is my business to pray for them, and seek the redemption of Israel," pg 106-107
"Who are Israel? They are those who are of the seed of Abraham, that have received the promise through their forefathers; and all the rest of the children of men, who receive the truth, are also Israel.... I love Israel, I long for their salvation, and look forward with a desire full of hope and peace to the day when they will be gathered and saved; when their forefathers who enjoyed the Gospel, and through their faithfulness received great promises and blessings for their posterity, shall see them fulfilled upon their heads." pg 107
-don't make it easy for bad things to happen to you, have common sense
-great faith is necessary and without it watch out
"Are you sure you have faith enough to bind Satan so that he can have no influence in this city? If you are not, you had better watch as well as pray.... Even suppose you have faith to accomplish all this, will you add no works to your faith?" pg 107
"I will mix works with my faith, and watching with my prayer, and reap the benefits of their united operation." pg 107
"We must continue our labors until we have faith to bind Satan; if you and I do not live to do it, our posterity will step forward and accomplish it after we are gone." pg 108
-when we cannot do for ourselves the Lord will do for us, but if we can do for ourselves then it is our duty to do so
-be prepared!
"I now wish to say to the Latter-day Saints that which will be a great comfort to them. We laid before you our Church indebtedness a year ago, last April Conference; it now gives me great consolation to be able to say that every dime of that debt is paid, and money left enough to answer our purpose at present. [A general expression of satisfaction in the congregation.]
The Lord has delivered us from this difficulty." pg 110
"When the brethren go to the word to administer salvation to them, we wish them to go perfectly clean, and represent an honorable and independent people." pg 110
"We can now put forth our hand and help the poor Saints, the are scattered abroad, to this place..." pg 110
"If we do right, there will be an eternal increase among this people in talent, strength of intellect, and earthly wealth, from this time, henceforth and forever." pg 110
"...if you will do your duty, and live as you ought to live before God and your brethren, you will have good with [you] all the time. It is our duty to apply our hearts to wisdom, and learn enough of the things of God to enable us to see the world as it is, which is one of the greatest privileges that can be granted to man..." pg 111
-just read pg 111
"Let us seek the Lord with all our hearts, then shall we be weaned from the world;" pg 111

Friday, February 19, 2010

March of "Mormonism" - The Power of God and the Wisdom of Man - Good and Evil Influences - The Law of Increase.
delivered in the Tabernacle, June 13, 1852 pg 88-94
"As there is more time which remains to be improved this morning,..." pg 88
"A weight of testimony always accompanies the promulgation of the Gospel of Salvation." pg 88
-persecution and wickedness do not change the truth of the Gospel
"Men may persecute the Prophet and those who believe and uphold him... but this does not affect the truths of "Mormonism" one iota, for they will stand when the elements melt with fervent heat, the heavens are wrapt up like a scroll, and the solid earth is dissolved. "Mormonism" stands upon the eternal basis of omnipotence. Jehovah is the "Mormonism" of this people, their Priesthood and their power; and all who adhere to it, will, in the appointed day, come up into the presence of the King Eternal, and receive a crown of life." pg 88-89
"These men know that "Mormonism" is true, they have moved steadily forward, and have not sought to become noted characters, as many have; but unseen as it were, they have maintained their footing steadily in the right path." 89
"...they are found continually attending to their own business. They do not appear to be great warriors, or as if they were likely to win the battle. But what is their true character? They have faith today, they are filled with faith, their words are few, but they are full of integrity. You will find them to-morrow as they were yesterday, or are today." pg 89
-the true believers are probably not going to be flashy, or big hero's, but they will be working faithfully towards their salvation
"They are the ones who will win the race, conquer in the battle, and obtain the peace and righteousness of eternity." pg 89
"If they live to it, their whole lives will aim directly to the one grand object, namely, to be encircled, wrapt up, and surrounded with the Knowledge of God; that will make them one, (according to the text),... to keep the whole law of the Father and the Son, and all the laws of the Celestial Kingdom which have been, or will be, revealed, and to meet the Savior at his coming." pg 89
"It yields solid satisfaction to hear men testify of the truth of the Gospel." pg 89
-without the Holy Ghost a testimony is just a bunch of sounds
"What is it that convinces man? It is the influence of the Almighty, enlightening his mind, giving instruction to the understanding.... Anything besides that influence, will fail to convince any person of the trugh of the Gospel of Salvation." pg 90
-it is much easier to understand a thing through the Holy Ghost
"...the Holy Ghost prceeding from that individual illuminated my understanding, and Light, glory, and immortality were before me...I know for myself that the testimony of the man was true." pg 90
-there is great beauty in simplicity
"The glory of man is fleeting as the twilight, and liek the "brashless fabric" of a dream, it vanishes away." pg 91
"If we train ourselves to think what we are about to do before we do it, and have understanding to know, and power to perform the good, we can therby avoit the evil that is present with us." pg 92
"I frequently exhort the brethren not to be in a hurry, for we shall not stop here, we are only hunting for the grave, and there is no fear but we shall find it." pg 92
"The Lord will help those who help themselves do right."pg 92
-if we were all really comitted to doing good in a very short time we would see a very notable difference
"It is enough for me to know that mankind are made to improve themselves." pg 93
"All creation, visible and invisible, it is the workmanship of our God, the Supreme Architecht and Ruler of the whold, who organized the world, and created every living thing upon it, to act i it's sphere and order." pg 93
"Furthermore, if men can understand and recieve it, mankinde are organized to recieve intelligence until they become perfect in the sphere they are appointed to fll, which is far ahead of us at present. WHen we use the term perfection, it applies to man in his present condition, as well as to heavenly beings. Ware now, or may be, as perfect in our sphere as God and Angels are in theirs, but the greatest intelligence in existence can continually ascend to greater heights of perfection." pg 93
"It is the Diety within us that causes increase. Does this idea startle you?" pg 93
"Nothing short of the Holy Ghost will do us any lasting good." pg 93
-"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"
-for full justice to this discourse, just read it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Joseph, A True Prophet - Apostales - Dream, Etc. delivered in the tabernacle March 27th, 1853 pg 81-84

"All men and women know, by the power of the Holy Ghost, by the spirit they know it, by the light that is in them, for light cleaveth to light, and truth embraces truth. These are pure attributes..." pg 81
-these people knew Joseph Smith and saw him week in and week out and they knew and would testify that Joseph was the prophet that he claimed to be
"[speaking of apostates and those against the church]... I say to the former, Go in peace sir, go and prosper if you can." pg 82
"...I say to those persons, you must not court persecution here, lest you get so much of it you will not know what to do with it. DO NOT court persecution." pg 83
"We are on the Lord's side, and we have the tools to work with. But shall this people sink? No. the time has come that Israel shall be redeemed, and they never shall be trampled under foot again. Now is the time; Joseph told us, before he was killed, the set time to favor Zion has come." pg 84
"...and I pray, all the time, that we may be preserved in the truth, that when the Lord has anything for us, we may be ready to receive it. and thus serve Him all the day long." pg 84

Friday, January 29, 2010

Confidence - Advice to Emigrants - Danger In Prosperity
delivered in the tabernacle September 11, 1853 pg 74-79

"In reality, the inhabitants of the earth do not vary so much in their sentiments as they do in the explaining of them to each other." pg 74
"Men of science and talent in this Church believed - or so they said they believed - honestly, truly, and with all their hearts, that Joseph Smith did not understand anything about temporal matters. They believed he understood spiritual things - that he understood the Spirit of the Lord, and how to build up the spiritual kingdom among men; but when temporal matters were talked of, men were ready to decide at once, that they knew more than the Prophet about such matters; and they did so decide." pg 74
"Are these the feelings of the people at the present time? They are not, but right to the reverse. I could have said then, the same that I could say it now, if Joseph was living - if he could have been believed, and confidence could have been placed in him, with regard to temporal matters, wealth would have been poured into the laps of this people to overflowing." pg 75
-the people didn't have faith in the prophet temporally and things went wrong because of that, the same goes for us, if we are more worried about our money than anything else then we will have problems and many very well fall way
"How is it now? Have the people confidence? They say they have. Are they willing to take counsel? They say they are. As it was observed here this morning, when we wish anything done, the people are ready and willing to raise their hands to accede to the propositions made by their leaders... this whole people are willing to receive counsel, but who of them are willing to carry it out to the very letter? The future will prove that. It is not proven by sitting on your seats and simply raising your hands, as a token, a covenant, a witness to God and Angels that you are ready to take counsel, and also carry it out." pg 75-76
"Consult your own judgments in such matters. Do you think that God would set a man to lead his people, who does not know as much about a picayune or a fine, as about God's spiritual kingdom, or the New Jerusalem?..." pg 76
-it's silly to think that the Lord is to busy for us now, he still loves and cares for us just as much
-you can't say that you believe in the kingdom of God if you're not willing to make sacrifices to help bring it about
"...for when men are thoroughly tried, they are ready to go to any place where they are told to go, and when they are told" pg 76
-new comers to the valley can settle where ever they like, so long as it is walled in for protection
"It is not my general practice to counsel the sisters to disobey their husbands, but my counsel is - obey your husbands; and I am sanguine and most emphatic on that subject. But I never counseled a woman to follow her husband to the devil." pg 77
"Let us be kind to each other, and cultivate the spirit of peace, and seek diligently to know the will of God. How can you know it? In matters pertaining to yourselves as individuals, you can obtain it directly from the Lord, but in matters pertaining to public affairs, His will is ascertained through the proper channel, and may be known by the general counsel that is given you from the proper source." pg 78
"...See that you forget not the Lord your God. If this people will serve Him with all their heart, mind and strength, they have nothing to fear from this time henceforth and forever..."pg 78
"...They are on the high way to wealth; and there is danger in it." pg 78
- all we have comes from Heavenly Father and we need to remember that
"If we receive good, it is of the Lord; then let us serve him, and love him with a true heart." pg 79

Friday, January 15, 2010

Education delivered in the tabernacle April 8, 1852 pg 66-71

"When we speak upon education, it is not to be understood that it alone consists in a man's learning the letters of the alphabet, in being trained in every branch of scholastic lore, in becoming a proficient in the knowledge of the sciences, and a classical scholar, but also in learning to classify himself and others." pg 66
" commences with the mother, and the child in connection. ...It depends a great degree upon the mother, as to what children receive, in early age, of principle of every description, pertaining to all that can be learned by the human family. When will mothers understand this?" pg 66
"If your children do not receive impressions of true piety, virtue, tenderness, and every principle of the Holy Ghost, you may be assured that their sins will not be required at the hands of the father, but of the mother." pg 67
"The duty of the mother is to watch over her children, and to give them their early education, for impressions received in infancy are lasting." pg 67
-remember how the mothers of the stripling warriors influenced their sons to do good
"The character of a person is formed through life to a greater or less degree, by the teachings of their mother." pg 67
-children shouldn't be neglected while their mothers are off having fun
children also need to be taught to be guided by their fathers as well
"Always keep your minds pure before the Lord." pg 69
-prayers is the way to avoid temptation
"In these circumstances the mind must be centered upon the Lord, and upon His work, continually. When you embark to fill up the end of your creation, never cease to seek to have the Spirit of the Lord rest upon you, that your minds may be peaceable, and as smooth as the summer breezes of heaven. Never cease a day of your life to have the Holy Ghost resting upon you." pg 69
"Remember it... Let your hearts before the Lord, and never cease to do anything you can for the satisfaction and comfort of your family, that all may enjoy the comforts of the Spirit of the Lord continually. If you do not come to this, your literary attainments will not exceed those of the world." pg 69
"Joseph built on the sure foundation, and, when I build up my superstructure, it shall be upon the same foundation." pg 70
"When a man is full of the light of eternity, then the eye is not the only medium by which he sees, his ear is not the only medium by which he hears, nor the brain the only means by which he understands..." pg 70
"We are at present low, weak, and grovelling in the dark, but we are planted here in weakness for the purpose of exaltation. pg 71

Friday, January 8, 2010

Self-Government - Mysteries - Recreation and Amusements, Not In Themselves Sinful - Tithing - Adam, Our Father and Our God. delivered in the tabernacle April 9, 1852 pg 46-53
"I wish also to urge the necessity of your proceeding on your missions immediately, and full of the spirit, and of going to the place of your destination full of the Holy Ghost..." pg 46
" up to the principles you preach, that you may teach also by your example, as well as by precept." pg 46
"Continue to preach, study and learn, by faith and prayer, until your minds and mouths are opened, and you understand most perfectly the love of Christ." pg 46
-it's much easier to teach our principles to others than it is for us to actually live them ourselves
"The greatest mystery a man ever learned, is to know how to control the human mind, and bring every faculty and power of the same in subjection to Jesus Christ; this is the greatest mystery we have to learn while in these tabernacles of clay." pg 46-47
"Here is the place for you to teach the great mysteries to your brethren, because here are those who can correct you." pg 47
"When a man is capable of correcting you, and of giving you light, and true doctrine, do not get up and altercation, but submit to be taught like little children and strive with all your might to understand." pg 47
"Preach the simple, unadorned truth; work out your salvation with diligence, and do that which will guarantee you a warranted deed, an undeniable title to eternal lives." pg 47
"If you feel prayer in you, pray; and if you feel the spirit of preaching in you, preach;..." pg 47
"This is the place for you to become polished shafts in the quiver of the Almighty." pg 47
"I love the society of all good men. And to preach salvation to them." pg 47
"Whatever a man does, let him do it in the name of the Lord - let him work in the name of the Lord, let all his acts through life be in the name of the Lord; and if he wants light and knowledge, let him ask in that name." pg 48
-there is within people and animals even, a love of music and a soothing we receive from that. The lord is responsible for these feelings, they are not unrighteous (please note that music then was also very different from some of the genres of music today)
"I possess nothing but what my heavenly Father has been pleased to give me, or, in other words, He has loaned it to me while I remain here in this mortal flesh." pg 49
"The Lord controls the whole; and in the end you will find He has regulated all things right, for all will be consummated to His glory." pg 49
-we're here to be tested, those who do well and chose the good will be crowned but those who chose the evil will be damned.
"I was trying to think of the place where God is not, but it is impossible, unless you can find empty space; and there I believe He is not." pg 50
-God has a body that is like our bodies, Jesus, God's son has a body, the Holy Ghost is a spirit with no body but is a minister of God's will
"We were made first spiritual, and afterwords temporal." pg 50
-Adam= MICHAEL the Archangel, the ANCIENT OF DAYS! (I don't know why that's all in caps and italics, I might have summarized what was written and copied it the way it was in the book.)
"The thistle, the thorn, the brier, and the obnoxious weed did not appear until after the earth was cursed. When Adam and Eve had eaten of the forbidden fruit, their bodies became mortal from its affects, and therefore their offspring were mortal." pg 50
-it's very important for the members of the church to pay their tithing, the church cannot care for members in need, etc. if tithing is not being paid. don't just think that the church will get along fine without you