Friday, March 12, 2010

Duties and Privileges - Sacrifice - Confidence - Language - Orginization and Disorganization - Taking Wives. delivered in the Tabernacle, February 27, 1853 pg 112-120
"The privileges of the Saints of God, and that are granted unto the inhabitants of the earth, are founded upon the principles of truth and righteousness; but many people use them to their own condemnation; yet if they knew how to receive and act upon them, there would be no condemnation, but to the contrary, a blessing." pg 112
-you can use and abuse your privileges, but there are consequences
"I also, as well as others could act upon unrighteous principles, if I would, and neglect my duties pertaining to life and salvation." pg 112
"Brethren, you will use these privileges to your own destruction, if you are not careful." pg 113
"It is not for any of us to enjoy the privilege of a dance, or any other recreation, until every duty that is enjoined upon us is performed." pg 113
"When you go to amuse, or recreate yourselves in any manner whatever, if you cannot enjoy the Spirit of the Lord then and there, as you would at a prayer meeting, leave that place; and return not to such amusements or recreation, until you have obtained the mastery over yourself, until you can command the influences around you, that you may have the Spirit of the Lord in any situation in which you may be placed. ..." pg 113
- I think these things would be very hard to do, but I believe the world would be a much better place if we would all do so.
" is not your lawful privilege to yield anything in the shape of amusement, until you have performed every duty, and obtained the power of God..." pg 113
"...and by your faith, obtained through prayer and supplication, the blessings of the Holy Spirit, and it rests upon, and abides continually with you." pg 113
"Hear it, all ye Latter-day Saints! Will you spend the time of your probation for naught, and fool away your existence and being? You were organized, and brought into being, for the purpose of enduring forever, if you fulfill the measure of your creation, pursue the right path, observe the requirements of the Celestial law, and obey the commandments of our God." pg 113
"...everything in heaven, earth, or hell, is for your glory, exaltation, and excellence, if by your lives you honor the Priesthood which has been conferred upon you; and, in the proper time, all will become subservient unto you, but not until then." pg 114
-it has to be done the Lord's way or it won't work out for you, you have to do it the Lord's way to succeed!
"No person can be a Saint, unless he receives the Holy Ghost, for the purity, justice, holiness, and eternal duration of it." pg 114
"Now you Elders who understand the principles of the kingdom of God, what would you not give, do, or sacrifice, to assist in the building up His kingdom upon the earth?" pg 114
"The Saints sacrifice everything; but, strictly speaking, there is no sacrifice about it." pg 114
-things like land, etc. are not really ours to sacrifice, we cannot control them and they are Heavenly Fathers to take or to give
"And should not the Saints of the Most High God be more willing, more anxious to promote the cause of their holy religion, devoting themselves, their influence, property, and if necessary, their existence, than the votaries of fashion, the devotees of wealth and pleasure and to merely sensual, temporary objects of worldly gain or aggrandizement?" pg 114-115
-there are so many things which are far more important than gold!
"If you do not love God, and his cause better than everything else besides, ... you cannot build up the kingdom of God." pg 115
"Confidence, brethren, CONFIDENCE in our God, and in each other..." pg 115
"If we could obtain that faith and confidence in each other, and in our God, that when we ask a favor, we could do so with a full assurance and knowledge that we should receive, do you not perceive that it would lead us directly to as we would be done by, in every transaction and circumstance of life." pg 115
"...It needs the language of angels to express our ideas, to converse with each other in a manner to be perfectly understood." pg 115
"It would be a great consolation to me, inasmuch as faith comes by hearing the word of God, if I had language to express my feelings." pg 115
"The principles of truth are eternal." pg 116
"...Satan is the way, the truth, and the death; or the way and the falsehood. Can you perceive the difference." pg 116
"The Lord Jesus Christ works upon a plan of eternal increase, of wisdom, intelligence, honor, excellence, power, glory, might, and dominion, and attributes that fill eternity. What principle does the devil work on?" pg 116
"Matter is eternal." pg 116
"We grow our wheat,... There they are organized, they increase and grow; but after a while, they decay, dissolve, become disorganized, and return to their mother earth.... the elements of the particles of which they were composed, still do, always have and always will exist, and through this principle of change, we have an eternal increase." pg 116
-Satan cannot increase, he can only decrease
-obedience brings increase
"Language to convey all the truth does not exist." pg 117
"Truth wisdom, power, glory, light, and intelligence exist upon their own qualities; they do not, neither can they, exist on any other principle." pg 117
"Truth cleaves unto truth, because it is truth; and is to be adored, because it is an attribute of God, for its excellence, for itself."
-honor your commitments, callings and commandments before you go seeking for blessings
"Pray the Lord to inspire your hearts. Ask for wisdom and knowledge. It is our duty to seek after it..." pg 120

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