Friday, February 26, 2010

President B. Young's Journy South - Indian Difficulties - Walker - Watching and Prayer - Thieves and Their Deserts - Eastern Intelligence - Finacial State of the Church - Gaining Knowledge, Etc. delivered in the tabernacle May 8, 1853. pg 103-111
"I do not wish to rush into danger imprudently" pg 105
"I have always acknowledged myself a coward, and I hope I always may be, to make me cautious enough to preserve myself and my brethren from falling by a band of Indians." pg 106
-the relations and dealings between the Mormons and the Native Americans
-Native Americans the descendants of the Lamenites of the Book of Mormon
"Again, you may pray as fervently for them as for yourselves, which I have always done; it is my business to pray for them, and seek the redemption of Israel," pg 106-107
"Who are Israel? They are those who are of the seed of Abraham, that have received the promise through their forefathers; and all the rest of the children of men, who receive the truth, are also Israel.... I love Israel, I long for their salvation, and look forward with a desire full of hope and peace to the day when they will be gathered and saved; when their forefathers who enjoyed the Gospel, and through their faithfulness received great promises and blessings for their posterity, shall see them fulfilled upon their heads." pg 107
-don't make it easy for bad things to happen to you, have common sense
-great faith is necessary and without it watch out
"Are you sure you have faith enough to bind Satan so that he can have no influence in this city? If you are not, you had better watch as well as pray.... Even suppose you have faith to accomplish all this, will you add no works to your faith?" pg 107
"I will mix works with my faith, and watching with my prayer, and reap the benefits of their united operation." pg 107
"We must continue our labors until we have faith to bind Satan; if you and I do not live to do it, our posterity will step forward and accomplish it after we are gone." pg 108
-when we cannot do for ourselves the Lord will do for us, but if we can do for ourselves then it is our duty to do so
-be prepared!
"I now wish to say to the Latter-day Saints that which will be a great comfort to them. We laid before you our Church indebtedness a year ago, last April Conference; it now gives me great consolation to be able to say that every dime of that debt is paid, and money left enough to answer our purpose at present. [A general expression of satisfaction in the congregation.]
The Lord has delivered us from this difficulty." pg 110
"When the brethren go to the word to administer salvation to them, we wish them to go perfectly clean, and represent an honorable and independent people." pg 110
"We can now put forth our hand and help the poor Saints, the are scattered abroad, to this place..." pg 110
"If we do right, there will be an eternal increase among this people in talent, strength of intellect, and earthly wealth, from this time, henceforth and forever." pg 110
"...if you will do your duty, and live as you ought to live before God and your brethren, you will have good with [you] all the time. It is our duty to apply our hearts to wisdom, and learn enough of the things of God to enable us to see the world as it is, which is one of the greatest privileges that can be granted to man..." pg 111
-just read pg 111
"Let us seek the Lord with all our hearts, then shall we be weaned from the world;" pg 111

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